designer_replica Bedat 308.011.100 Ladie's watch is a brittle stone
designer_replica Bedat 308.011.100 Ladie's watch is a splendid crystal belonging to the mineral beryl. It is one of the oldest of the found and practiced, precious gemstone in the whole world.Emerald jewelry featuring charms like emerald rings, pendants, and earrings in accordance with other fancier styles like bracelets etc. It has been a matter of fascination since ages. This rare member of the gemstone family is highly prized.Fortunately, emerald was discovered and mined in first century BC, in Egypt. Such is the irresistible glam and intense shade of this stone, that even the most beautiful, Queen Cleopatra of Egypt, couldnt keep herself away from admiring it.Emerald in various cultures has shared a significant mythological position. Folklores say that whosoever wore emerald becomes an owner of virtues like faithfulness and unchanging love. In addition, he could also forecast events due to powers bestowed by emerald.Islam sacred color, green, contained by emerald made it a much coveted stone in the Indian subcontinent.designer_replica Bedat 308.011.100 Ladie's watch During the Mughal period, kings and queens would wear bracelets, rings etc., set with emerald to bring God grace on them. Emerald was usually carved with Islamic writings to ward off evil. Emerald boasts a relative hardness of 7.5-8 Mohs. This property makes it resistible to daily wear and tear. However, it is a brittle stone. Therefore, under stressful conditions it may develop fractures or internal cracks. This is the same reason behind most emerald roughs to contain flaws and inclusions. Violent geologic conditions and nature forces inside earth, exercise emeralds to rigorous situations. This process results in cracks and fissures. To correct these, there are various enhancements or treatments. Commonly practiced is to fill su***ce-reaching cracks with oil (sometimes tinted green). This is an age old Greek formula. As science has developed, technology has advanced too designer_replica Bedat 308.011.100 Ladie's watch.