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The man who owns a tattoo shop located in the center of the city contacted me. More about him in an instant Replica Longines Dolce Vita Watches. After reading his response, I could not get the item tattoos and body piercings of my head. I remembered, the British minister – a man in his late 50 at the time ; indicating that the Lord instructed him to pierce his ear in a fashion bond servant referred to the Apostle Paul.Such servants would have the ear pierced his master as a sign that he will serve him forever. The minister did so, he contended that many young people attending its meetings as a result. After the class I taught, a participant told me that his Christian wall son appeared at a construction site, where he collided with a highly tattooed person. Christian struck up a conversation with a tattooed man, who commented that he was surprised that he spoke with him, as almost everyone who did. He believes this is because all his tattoos, giving the Christian in the road, to serve him. I remembered the Christian biker sermons from the pulpit, his Popeye forearms covered with tattoos, as he said, and as young men surrounded him to talk later. Getting a tattoo is all the rage these days, many Christians are trying to decide if they should get a tattoo, or not. Make a tattoo or not tattoo? That is the question. What does the Bible say? Many Christians cite Leviticus 19:28 as support for their claim that church hymnal songs. ;Do not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: Replica Longines Dolce Vita Watches I am the ; Leviticus 19:28. Can you believe that Jesus is Lord and that He came to save the world through the grace and love, and still accept this verse as applicable to us today? It sounds sharp, but it true. Why? The answer is ***. Christ gave us a new law, which repeals the laws of the Old Testament, as seen in Leviticus. Ironically, the proponents of this verse neglect to consider some other verses in the same book, chapter 19. There a verse 9, which states: ;When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edge of your field or gather gleanings of your harvest.; Verse 19 reads: ;Do not Plant your field with two kinds of seed. No clothes woven of two kinds of material.; Verse 26: ;Do not eat any meat with blood still in it.; Verse 27: ;Do not cut the hair on the sides of the head or clip from the edges of his beard. Verse 28:; Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourself Replica Longines Dolce Vita Watches.